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- Finding Alpha in Marketing
Finding Alpha in Marketing
How to find your next growth channel

Most marketers chase what everyone else is doing.
That's not where alpha lives.
Alpha doesn't come from copying.
It comes from discovering what works before others notice.
Run more experiments than your competitors.
When they run one test a month, run ten. When they plan, you launch. When they perfect, you iterate.
Each experiment is a question to the market. Each result is an answer.
The more questions you ask, the more answers you collect that others don't have.
This isn't complicated, but it is difficult.
Most companies can't do this.
They get stuck in meetings.
They seek consensus.
They polish things no one will notice.
While they're planning, you're learning. While they're discussing, you're discovering.
High-velocity testing creates its own advantage. You find opportunities others miss simply because you're looking in more places.
Your first ideas will be wrong.
That's not failure. That's the process.
Being wrong fast is better than being right slow.
The real winners aren't talking about their advantages.
Notice something about people who post their "growth hacks" on LinkedIn?
They're selling the idea of an edge, not using an actual edge.
People finding real alpha are suspiciously quiet. They're too busy using what works to teach it.
By the time someone packages a tactic into a course, the advantage is gone.
The cycle is predictable: discovery, leverage, education, saturation.
Alpha exists in the gap between discovery and when everyone starts about it.
The best opportunities are in places others have discounted.
Look where everyone is rushing. That's where returns diminish daily.
Look at what everyone's ignoring. That's where opportunity hides.
"Email is dead." Yet someone's building a 8-figure business with newsletters.
"That platform doesn't convert." For most people, that's true.
For you, it's an opening.
When experts declare something "over," that's your signal to look closer.
The crowd follows best practices. Alpha hunters examine ignored practices.
Find the undervalued channels.
Test the abandoned methods.
Question what "everyone knows" about your market.
Your advantage isn't coming from doing what everyone else does slightly better.
It's coming from discovering what works while everyone else is looking elsewhere.
Run more experiments.
Run them faster.
Find what others haven't.
Keep it to yourself.
That's alpha.
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